Mount Laurel, nestled in the heart of New Jersey, is not just a picturesque town but also a hub of culture and history. For parents looking to introduce their children to the wonders of art, history, and science, Mount Laurel offers a plethora of museums that are both educational and entertaining. Let’s dive into some of the must-visit museums in the area that promise a delightful experience for the entire family.

An old music player at a museum in New Jersey

Barclay Farmstead Museum

A step into the Barclay Farmstead Museum is like a journey back in time. This colonial building, now a museum, showcases the intricacies of its original architecture and is adorned with preserved furniture from the era. The museum also boasts plot gardens maintained by local residents, offering a visual treat of vibrant flowers and vegetables. The trails at the back are perfect for a leisurely walk, though it’s advisable to wear appropriate footwear, especially after rain. More about Barclay Farmstead Museum

American Treasure Tour

The American Treasure Tour is a celebration of pop culture and history. Whether you’re a collector or just someone who appreciates the finer things from the past, this museum promises a unique experience. From vintage cars to old music boxes, there’s something for everyone here. Discover the American Treasure Tour

Grundy Museum

The Grundy Museum is a testament to the rich history of Bristol, PA. Every corner of this museum tells a story, and the passionate staff ensures that visitors leave with a wealth of knowledge. It’s not just a place to see artifacts but to immerse oneself in the tales they tell. Explore Grundy Museum

Air Victory Museum

For those with a penchant for aviation, the Air Victory Museum is a must-visit. From Civil Air Patrol exhibits to a diverse collection of aircraft, this museum offers a comprehensive look into the world of flight. It’s an educational experience that’s bound to captivate both young and old. Fly into the Air Victory Museum

Otherworld Philadelphia

Art takes on an experimental form at Other World Philadelphia. This museum is not your conventional art space. It promises an immersive experience, allowing visitors to dive deep into the world of contemporary art. It’s a space where creativity knows no bounds. Dive into Other World Philadelphia

Mount Laurel Museums

Mount Laurel, NJ, is more than just a scenic town; it’s a treasure trove of cultural experiences waiting to be discovered. From historical sites to contemporary art spaces, the museums in this town offer a diverse range of experiences for families. So, the next time you’re looking for a weekend activity, consider visiting one of these museums. And if you’re searching for the perfect place for your child’s holistic development, don’t forget to check out Crème de la Crème. Their commitment to excellence ensures that your child receives the best in early education.

Photo by Daniel Tuttle on Unsplash