Chandler, Arizona, offers a fantastic opportunity for families to engage in healthy eating through Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs. These programs allow you to buy seasonal food directly from local farms, ensuring that your family enjoys fresh, organic produce while supporting local agriculture. Here’s a guide to some top CSA options within a 30-minute drive of Chandler that provide a range of fresh, flavorful, and healthy food choices for your family.

A farm growing vegetables in Chandler, AZ

Blue Sky Organic Farms

Located in Litchfield Park, Blue Sky Organic Farms offers a robust CSA program featuring organic, locally grown vegetables and fruits. Their CSA boxes come in two sizes and are available for pick-up at multiple locations around the Phoenix area, including markets in Downtown Phoenix and Old Town Scottsdale. The farm uses sustainable farming practices and offers a variety of seasonal produce throughout the year?.

Agritopia Farm

Situated in Gilbert, Agritopia Farm is not just a place to buy fresh produce but also a community hub designed to promote urban agriculture. Their CSA program runs year-round and includes an option to buy shares that last for 12 weeks, with produce picked from their certified organic fields. This farm also hosts U-pick events for fruits like peaches and citrus, adding a fun, interactive element to your CSA experience??.

Crooked Sky Farms

Located in multiple sites around Phoenix, Crooked Sky Farms offers a diverse array of produce through its CSA program, which is distributed weekly. They practice sustainable farming, ensuring that all produce is grown without harmful chemicals. CSA members enjoy a rich selection of vegetables and fruits, reflecting the best of what’s in season, and can pick up their shares at various farmer’s markets or have them delivered??.

Steadfast Farm

Steadfast Farm in Queen Creek provides CSA boxes filled with organic produce grown using ecological farming techniques. Their CSA program is designed to supply families with weekly fresh produce, harvested at the peak of ripeness to ensure the highest quality. Memberships include seasonal vegetables, fruits, and herbs, curated to encourage healthy eating and cooking at home?.

Rhiba Farms

Rhiba Farms, near Chandler, offers not only a traditional CSA program but also a unique “Farm Box” that includes mushroom growing kits alongside regular produce. This farm focuses on regenerative agricultural practices to maintain soil health and biodiversity, which is reflected in the quality of their produce. Their farm store also features locally sourced honey, eggs, and other artisanal food products?.

Exploring CSA programs in Chandler offers a pathway to healthier eating habits and a deeper connection with the local farming community. By participating in these programs, families can enjoy fresh, nutritious foods and support the sustainability of local farms. At Crème de la Crème daycare and early learning center, we value the importance of nutrition and community engagement, and we encourage families to explore these wonderful local options as a way to enhance their lifestyles and help children learn more about where their food comes from. Happy eating and exploring!

Photo by Jan Kop?iva on Unsplash