It’s likely you know that if you’re looking to borrow books, your local library is the place to go. But did you know there’s a whole wide world for your kids to explore at your local library, either on-site or through their many digital offerings? They can rent movies and e-books or check out classes and events. There’s no end to what’s in store for them at their local library. Our Crème de la Crème staff invites you to learn how to take advantage of your local library in Mason, OH.
Day By Day OH
P is for Public Library & Poppy by Carol VanHook is licensed with CC BY-SA 2.0
The DayByDayOH website is available for young kids and their families. With new digital content posted every day of the year, your children will get a featured song of the day, activities, a video, and book recommendations. This site is a collaboration with Ohio Ready to Read and the State Library of Ohio. DayByDayOH provides Ohioans with health and literacy information and a statewide library locator map.
Learning Express Library
EBSCO Learning Express Library can help your child achieve their academic and life goals through exercises, practice tests, skill-building courses, and information. This online learning resource has a learning center designed for children in fourth grade and above, providing them with supportive tools for school and life. Students can practice geometry, literature reading, writing, or complete test preparation. For older teens, there are additional services, such as learning skills for job searching when they’re ready to get their first job. The Learning Express Library places your child’s success front and center with its varied offerings.
If your child is looking for something new to read or you want something to read together, turn to NoveList for assistance in finding books suitable for children from kindergarten to eighth grade. This online library catalog offers a children’s catalog with themes like animals, science, and sports. NoveList will show you if the book is available and which library branch has it in stock. NoveList also provides book-finding assistance to teens so that they can explore the wonderful world of young adult literature. Teens can dig into the YA catalog through the young adult book finder.
TAB: Teen Advisory Board
The Mason Public Library has a list of various teen volunteer opportunities online. Volunteering is an excellent way for teens to brush up on their communication skills and practice job skills that will serve them in future employment. The benefits of personal growth, maturity, character-building, and good feelings come from helping others. These volunteer positions are for kids in grades seven to 12 to assist with the children’s programs at the library. Helping others has its rewards, and they may even have a lot of fun along the way.
Bouncy Time
Stop by the Children’s Meeting Room at the Mason Public Library so you and your child can attend storytime for babies and toddlers with their caretakers. Activities include songs, board books, rhythm instruments, finger plays, and even a little bit of sign language on occasion. Bouncy Time is structured and interactive to keep little ones engaged. To help kids learn the songs, we stick to a group of them monthly, but each storytime showcases a new book.
At the end of storytime, the kids help the adults clean up the rhythm instruments and bring out the bubbles. If there is severe weather, children’s events are canceled whenever Mason City Schools close.
Toddler Time
Also available at the Mason Public Library is Toddler Storytime, a year-round event that meets most weeks. Storytime does not require registration, so you and your toddler can just drop in. Toddler Storytime is for children ages 2 to 3 1/2. Caregivers must remain in the room for kids under 3 or stay in the library building for those over 3. Teachers introduce children to traditional and new books, puppets, and songs. They’ll also get to dance and play at most of the Storytimes. Every session ends with bubbles for extra fun.
Preschool Time
Preschool Time is another Storytime that features the same fun activities as Toddler Time. However, it incorporates the drop-off aspect of preschool in a 30-minute session where children ages 3 to 5 participate independently without a caregiver in the room. They’re encouraged to attend alone, but their caregivers must remain in the library.
Check out the library’s digital calendar for children’s events, with dates, times, and all the information you’ll need to bring your child to the library for these special times of fun and learning.
Brainfuse Help Now
Mason Public Library provides free, 24/7 homework help for teenagers through Brainfuse HelpNow. It’s a digital collection of lessons, practice tests, and video tutorials accessible with their library card. This online resource is designed for students to work alone at their own pace or collaborate with their peers and teachers.
Brainfuse HelpNow gives students access to tutors who help them in an online classroom. Through typing and marking up lessons, tutors can guide students in several subjects like math, science, reading, writing, or social studies. Students can also access the 24-hour writing lab for support with their school essays. Brainfuse HelpNow is also a full-service test center, providing students with practice tests for all levels. This includes college preparatory tests, including SAT practice tests.
All Ages Access
For digital content for kids and teens, you can check out the Libby App. The Ohio Digital Library supplies a catalog guide for kids, accessible with a library card number. Libby contains excellent digital content, including arts and crafts manuals, food magazines, comics, nursery rhymes, young adult novels, and access to Indieflix for movies.
Visit the Mason Public Library today, and open up a new world for your kids. Our Crème de la Crème of Mason staff encourages you and your children to learn to use the library for fun, personal enrichment, academic development, and of course, to inspire them to enjoy reading. The sky’s the limit for your child when they explore the wonders of their local library.