The first day of school is an important milestone for both children and their families. Whether it is the first-time leaving home or just entering a new classroom/grade, the first day comes with new and unfamiliar moments. Your child might be confronted with an unfamiliar environment, new faces, or a change in schedule. Preparing for these changes can help your little one adjust faster and will help ease those BIG feelings before the first day of school.
- Make a visit
- Most schools and child care centers have tours, meet the teacher events, or Open Houses that allow for you to drop in and check out the school. Bringing your child with you will help familiarize them with everything that is new to them. Sometimes just seeing the school will ease some fears or tensions, while other students might need to meet the new teacher to feel really comfortable. Listen to your little one and try to give them as many opportunities as possible before their first day to feel comfortable with all of the changes.
- Back-to-school Shopping
- Get your little one a special back-to-school item that will get them excited for the first day of school. You can take them back-to-school shopping or you can repurpose an item from an older sibling or friend. This special outfit or new backpack will get your child into the mindset that they should be looking forward to their first day and not be fearful of it.
- Practice!
- Don’t start their first day off with a new routine- instead, start a routine a few weeks beforehand to help your child get used to the new normal. Practice getting up, getting dressed, eating breakfast, and leaving for the day so they know what to expect.
- Find some resources
- Look to your library for a new book or watch a favorite television show about the first day of school. Hearing these stories will give your child another idea of what to expect and will open up a discussion about how they are feeling or what they anticipate.
- Reduce separation anxiety
- Provide your child with a resource to help reduce separation anxiety. Some schools allow a special item from home to help with the transition while others will ask families to provide photos to hang in the classroom. Ask your teacher if you can send your child to school with a family photo in their backpack to look at whenever your little one misses you!
At Crème de la Crème, we love the first day of school! Whether your little one is starting for the first time or moving into a new classroom, it is our goal to make sure your child feels welcomed and happy entering our school. For more information about getting your child started this fall or sometime throughout the year, give us a call at 800-374-5715!